Consistency: Just like in the gym, the key to success on LinkedIn

Consistency is the key to success both in the gym and on LinkedIn. Discover how you can achieve your goals on the world's largest professional network through regular effort and strategy.

10 June 2024 -

"Consistency is not what we do occasionally, but what we do every day that makes the difference."

In both the gym and on LinkedIn, consistency is the key to success. Discover how you can achieve your goals through regular effort and strategy on the largest professional network in the world.

“Consistency is not what we do every now and then, but what we do every day that makes the difference.”

It’s all about consistency!

You don’t see results right away, but you do believe that this is the way to be successful. You feel in your body that your muscles are warming up and that you are getting fitter and that things are going in the right direction. Then you try a different exercise if you feel that what you are doing now has a little less effect. Sometimes you train your arms, your back, your neck and sometimes you train your legs and your stomach. But every step feels like the right thing to do to achieve your goal, namely becoming fitter and more muscular.

With LinkedIn, it’s exactly the same. You know that your prospects are on LinkedIn and that you can reach them. You won’t notice results right away, but you will have some contact and conversations and you will receive positive feedback, so that can’t be anything other than going in the right direction. Also try something different to AB test what works best. Not everything works equally well. Write a different kind of blog, like I’m doing now 😜, use a different opening sentence for a connection request, adjust your profile picture and headline and start keeping a CRM. You will see that you will take the right steps to achieve your goal in an increasingly refined way.

The power of repetition: Build trust with your network

Just like consistency, repetition is important to achieve progress in results. Both concepts are closely related but not the same. Where repetition means you keep offering your message to your target group, consistency is aimed at delivering the same quality, tone or message over a longer period of time. To actually convince someone, a single message is often not enough, but of course make sure that this doesn’t start to look too much like spamming. Of course, we also get tired of your personal trainer who keeps shouting the same sentence with every exercise. Make sure you offer valuable tips or insights, so that you are seen as an expert and not as a monotonous, pushy personal trainer. Then you will automatically get new clients from LinkedIn.

AB testing: Find the right exercise.

When you start training, it can feel a bit overwhelming. Do I go for the push-ups right away or do I prefer bench pressing? Instead of doing the same thing, it is important to investigate what suits you and also what works best for you. AB testing can offer a solution here. By testing the tone of your messages, your content and the colors on your profile, you can refine your approach and discover what delivers the most results. So don’t always stick to the old and try something new.

You will succeed!

You know it, you see it in others and it works for you too. All you have to do is be convinced, keep optimizing and persevere! Together we go for optimal growth! 💪🏼

Show me the magic in real life 🪄

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