Success requires taking risks

Why taking risks is the key to growth and success

14 January 2025 -

"To win, sometimes you have to dare to lose."

Success is inextricably linked to taking risks. It takes courage to step outside your comfort zone and expose yourself to uncertainty. That tension, that unknown, is where growth happens. But let’s be honest: taking risks is still exciting. It means that you can fail. Yet that is exactly what is needed to move forward.

How do you find the courage to fail, to start over and ultimately succeed? Let’s discover together how you can embrace risks, find inspiration and continue to challenge yourself to think big.

Dare to lose to win

In the Netherlands, we often see failure as losing, while in countries like the US it is embraced as a necessary step towards success. There, someone is only taken seriously after they have failed a few times. Failure is not seen as the end, but as a valuable lesson.

Every entrepreneur who has made millions has probably lost millions first. It is a harsh reality, but without those falls you do not learn how to come back stronger. The truth is that sometimes you have to lose first in order to ultimately win.

Ambition as a driver: inspired by stories

If you want to take risks, you need ambition. That ambition can be fueled in many ways. For me, that inspiration came from films, series and books, but especially from the stories of the people around me.

Films like The Pursuit of Happyness and Rocky Balboa reminded me that perseverance and determination are essential. But also the energy and vision of entrepreneurs like Elon Musk and Steve Jobs showed what is possible if you show courage.

Yet it is not all about icons and grand stories. Ambition often arises from small moments and personal inspiration. It is those subtle memories and insights that encourage you to take a risk and seize a chance.

People who shape you

In addition to public figures, it is often the people around you who make a lasting impression and shape you. Friends, family members, colleagues and coaches play a crucial role in how you grow, learn and dare to take risks.

For me, there are countless people who have inspired me. Marjolijn Feijen, my mother, gave me a foundation of strength and perseverance. My wife, Karolayne da Silva, shows me every day how love and dedication make you stronger.

My coaches, such as Frans van Leeuwen and Biondi Pikientio, have also taught me valuable lessons about discipline and strategy. And ofcourse my hero Maarten Verstraten and champion Thor J. de Groot inspired me to push boundaries and discover my own potential.

These people remind me that success is not just about big leaps, but also about small steps and daily commitment. They show that growth can be a collective process, in which you motivate and strengthen each other.

The value of failure and learning

The great thing about failure is that it always teaches you something. A failed project, a missed opportunity, or a wrong decision: each of these experiences offers valuable lessons. Dare to embrace your mistakes and see them as a springboard to success.

When you look back on moments when you failed, you will often see how they made you stronger and wiser. Maybe you started a business that didn’t get off the ground, but it gave you the skills to make it work next time.

Why taking risks is crucial for growth

People who take risks get to know themselves better. You discover where your limits are, where your strengths lie, and how to use them. Without risks, everything remains safe, but that safety can hinder your growth.

Taking risks doesn’t mean you have to be reckless. It’s about making considered choices, with an open mind toward the future. Ask yourself:

  • What’s the worst that can happen if I do this?
  • What can I learn, even if I fail?
  • How much growth is possible if I take this risk?

Inspiration and connection: the power of others

Inspiration can be found not only in yourself, but also in your network. LinkedIn is a perfect example of a place where people share stories and ideas that encourage others to take risks. Personal connections and authentic stories make all the difference here.

By actively listening to others, you will learn new perspectives and gain the courage to take steps yourself. It is all about connecting and sharing knowledge, so that we can grow together.

Let your story be heard

Everyone has a story. Maybe it is a risk you took that turned out completely wrong, or a moment when everything fell into place. Your experience can inspire someone else to take the plunge.

Do you want to learn more about how to embrace risks and achieve your personal or business goals? Then get in touch! And who knows, we might be able to help each other!

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