The importance of LinkedIn as a business platform: more than just networking

Network, share knowledge and grow in the B2B world.

26 July 2023 -

Discover the power of LinkedIn as a business platform.

Can you recall when you first heard of LinkedIn? Maybe it was when it was just another social media site like Facebook or Twitter. But in reality, it is so much more then that.

Introduction to LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social media platform founded in 2002. But this is no ordinary social media platform because LinkedIn is THE platform for professionals to network on. In the new digital world that we live in it is becoming increasingly harder to reach leads, LinkedIn offered a solution to that problem.

History of LinkedIn

Like most companies it started out with just a few hundred users. LinkedIn has now grown into a international network with over 700.000.000 members. But what makes LinkedIn stand out from the crowd?

The evolution of LinkedIn

In its early years, LinkedIn was primarily a platform for sharing resumes and finding jobs. But over the years, the platform has evolved into an essential tool for B2B marketing, sales and networking. The addition of features such as LinkedIn Pulse, for publishing articles and LinkedIn Learning, for professional development, has further strengthened the platform.

Why LinkedIn?

In the world of B2B lead generation, LinkedIn is an indispensable tool. It enables professionals and businesses to network in a targeted and personal way, share knowledge and build lasting customer relationships.

Benefits for businesses

Companies use LinkedIn not only to promote their brand but also to gain valuable insights into their specific target audience. By identifying and targeting leads on LinkedIn, businesses can expand their network and establish personal relationships with curious decision–makers.

The power of LinkedIn for B2B marketing

LinkedIn offers a wealth of opportunities for B2B marketing. With features such as sponsored content, InMail and display ads, businesses can place their message directly in front of the right audience. Moreover, the platform offers detailed targeting options based on job title, company size, industry and more.

Benefits for professionals

For professionals, LinkedIn is more than just a place to network. It is a platform where you can share your expertise, discover career opportunities and build a valuable network.

Building a strong profile

A strong LinkedIn profile can open doors for you. But how do you build such a profile? Your profile picture is the first thing people see. Make sure it is professional. And your headline? That is your chance to shine in one sentence! Tell your story in the summary and let your experience speak for itself. Read more about building a personal brand.

Networking on LinkedIn

In the world of B2B, it is not just about who you are, but also who you know. Strive for quality, not quantity. It is about building meaningful relationships. Join groups that are relevant to your industry and actively participate in discussions. Make your voice heard and share valuable insights.

Sharing content and visibility

Become a thought leader in your field by regularly publishing articles. Keep your network informed about your achievements and insights.

LinkedIn for business growth

LinkedIn is not just a place for individuals. Companies can also benefit from the power of LinkedIn. Advertise on LinkedIn to reach your target audience in a place where they are already business–minded. Find the best talent for your organization using LinkedIn’s comprehensive tools.


LinkedIn is more than just a social network. It is a powerful business tool that, if used correctly, can lead to unprecedented growth and success. Are you already a member?


  • Is LinkedIn free? Yes, LinkedIn is a free, but they do offer premium options for people that are looking for a way to filter the crowd.
  • How can I improve my LinkedIn profile? Start with a professional photo, a catchy headline and a detailed summary.
  • Is advertising on LinkedIn effective? Yes, especially if you have a B2B business.
  • How can I network on LinkedIn? Start by making connections, join groups and participate in discussions.
  • Can I really find a job through LinkedIn? Absolutely! Many recruiters use LinkedIn to find new talent.

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