LinkedIn content strategy Masterclass at BBP Media!

Exploring LinkedIn strategies for engagement and traffic, diverse content types, and boosting event promotion.

05 June 2024 -

"Super interesting to see how you can use LinkedIn to further develop your own platform."

Had an amazing Masterclass yesterday at BBP Media with all the brands and media, namely Marketingfacts, MarketingTribune, Twinkle, and CustomerFirst 💫

We brainstormed about the LinkedIn content strategy for the different titles. Super interesting to see how you can use LinkedIn as a platform to further develop your own platform.

Engagement or Website Traffic?

Do you want to focus on building your engagement on LinkedIn or generating website traffic? Both, of course!

Posts on Different Company Pages

And how do you handle posts on the different company pages? Because posting an external article on LinkedIn naturally has less reach. But what if that’s exactly your business? Super interesting!

Different Types of Content

We discussed different types of content such as blogs, visuals, videos, carousels, whitepapers, and of course, news items. The latter is one of my personal favorites if you make sure to create a good post.

Conversions, LinkedIn Algorithm, and Event Promotion

We also looked extensively at conversions, the LinkedIn algorithm, and finally discussed the possibilities for taking event promotion to the next level on LinkedIn.

The energy was great, as you can see!

Special thanks to the organization, Peter van Balsfoort and Kel Koenen, and of course the editorial teams! We have made some great plans 💪

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