11 April 2024 Public

Seminar Inside Sales & LinkedIn

Deal! That's what's going to happen with more inside sales, more relevant sales conversations, and more deals, with the same number of people! That's what we're going to talk about during this seminar, sign up and see you soon!


16:00 - 18:30



ITO Toren
Gustav Mahlerplein 28
1082 MA Amsterdam




Jacob comes from logistics and supply chain management. As a commercial director in the SME+ sector, he saw the logic of logistics and began applying those same principles to his sales teams. As a result, his teams were able to gain more market share and stay ahead of the competition.

We believe that effectiveness in sales is no different from optimizing a complex production process. Just like in a factory, where every step of the assembly line is crucial for the final output, we view the sales process as a logistical issue that revolves around the creation and delivery of value to customers. By organizing sales primarily from within, our clients grow without increasing operational costs.