Hart4Onderzoek: Increase in number of followers

We were able to generate a whopping 1175 new followers in just 10 months

1175 new followers
Optimized profiles
Two people are standing indoors, smiling at the camera, and holding a sign that reads, in part, "Hart4 Onderzoek." They are in a modern office with bookshelves and a unique blue-and-white patterned backdrop. The man is wearing a light blue shirt, and the woman is dressed in gray. "YouLynq.me takes you through the tips and tricks of how to use LinkedIn in a very pleasant and organic way in rapid succession"


The goal of our collaboration was to help Hart4Onderzoek with two key issues. First, they wanted to increase their visibility on LinkedIn and increase the number of followers on their company page. In addition, they wanted those with congenital heart disease to become more knowledgeable about using LinkedIn.


Our approach began with a strategy meeting with Hart4Onderzoek, where we discussed in detail how we could help with their objective. We then held regular progress meetings to discuss our results and optimize the process. For immediate issues or questions, we always had direct contact via Whatsapp or phone. This personal and direct contact allowed us to build a trusting relationship, which positively influenced our cooperation.


Our efforts produced great results. To increase the number of followers on their LinkedIn company page, we proudly used our Company Page Booster. Using this effective tool, we were able to generate a whopping 1175 new followers in just 10 months.

To support the target group in making the best use of LinkedIn, we organized a Masterclass at our office. During this interactive session, we informed them extensively about the possibilities of LinkedIn and how to use this platform in the most effective way. We worked with them to optimize their LinkedIn profiles and advised them on content creation, effective approach methods and how to find relevant jobs.

The target audience who attended now all have optimized LinkedIn profiles, and many of them have successfully shared their first post on LinkedIn. This growing online presence will undoubtedly help increase their visibility. We are proud of the progress we have made with Heart4Research.

YouLynq.me takes you through the tips and tricks of how to use LinkedIn in a very pleasant and organic way in rapid succession. But also what it can bring you on a personal and business level. Insightful & Valuable!

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