Bereik DOOH: Offline advertising

From billboards to LinkedIn: two worlds that reinforce each other.

08 January 2025 -

"You don't build brand awareness via one channel, but by being everywhere your target group is."

Marketing doesn’t stop at a screen or a billboard. This story is about how two worlds find each other again, both online and offline. It almost feels like a full circle: my first job, learning the tricks of sales and marketing, and now working with the same people, but in a completely different role.

The power of an integrated approach

When I started in sales, I learned that consistency and visibility are the keys to success. That still applies today, but with more channels than ever. LinkedIn is the place to start your B2B relationships, but you don’t build your brand online alone. Outdoor advertising, such as digital billboards, plays a crucial role in creating recognition.

I always say: when a prospect says they see you everywhere – on LinkedIn, in their inbox, at an event and on the road – then you know you’re doing well. It takes an average of 9 to 21 contact moments before someone seriously considers you. Only through an integrated approach can you offer that consistency.

A journey from 2012 to 2025

The story becomes even more beautiful when I look back on my own journey. In 2012, I started as a sales manager at Lars and Pleun Klootwijk of Lumick. There I learned everything about how to communicate value to your target group. Pleun’s other company, Bereik, was already a pioneer in digital outdoor advertising – something that seemed futuristic at the time.

Fast forward to today: I am now a customer of that same Bereik and use their billboards for our campaigns. That feels like a moment of pride and gratitude. It is special to see how our paths cross again, with new technologies and shared ambitions.

Why you should not forget offline

The lesson? Don’t focus on one channel. Combine your digital strategy with offline visibility. That ensures brand recognition and a more powerful effect. Together with Lars, Pleun and the team of Bereik DOOH we bring that vision to life.

Complete the circle

Curious about how to make your brand visible on all fronts? Take a look at Bereik DOOH or contact us to discover how we can strengthen your online strategy with LinkedIn. Together we put your brand on the map, both online and offline! 🚀

Show me the magic in real life 🪄

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