Do you want more conversions due to your LinkedIn profile? Then the first step is to optimize your LinkedIn profile. This is our last and bonus step from our series about optimizing your LinkedIn profile. Go and watch our video quickly 👇
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Hey, we’re back again with a tip of the week. The last couple of weeks we talked about how you could optimize your LinkedIn profile. This week will be our last, but also our bonus tip for the advanced users. Yes, and it’s actually two tips. Oh! So that’s really nice. The first one is the creator mode, and the second is your LinkedIn cover story. The creator mode is a setting that you can switch on on your profile, and it changes the order of your LinkedIn sections. And it pushes a little bit more your services and your proposition to the top. Also, you can add some hashtags and even now your website to your above section. And your cover story is, of course, a very nice elevator pitch in which you can introduce yourself. And I would advise you always not to push your proposition, but to share knowledge. That’s our last tip. Good luck! Do you want to read everything back? Then download our 10 tips. Ciao!